Friday 17 May 2013

living in our own skin

The poster boy. This is whom i have been for most of my life with respect to the issues I'm about to address. Most humans are really just sleep walking through thier lives. society tells us that if we have this cas, we are somehow better than other. That if we live in this type of home we are somehw better than another. If we have this type of cloths, again, we are somehow better. But the real story is that the woman or man is doing all this to be liked. I just bought this car. Do you like me now? I just bought this house. Do you like me now? I just bought this hugo boss suit, this outfit. Do you like me now? If we really think about it, we just want to be like. From the executive to the janitor we just want to be liked . we are all struggling! It should be the best  person inside. That some thng about them. It's not what their assets are, rather their asset is who they are.
 Each of us, every person, has a wonderful story in them. truly we are all children of god. At times we just need to stop, reflect,and perhaps quit running from oursleves. it's intersting so many people are trying to find god many get involved in a religion only to jump to another. In alot of cases they are not looking for god atall. Many are joining nothing dis-simi-lar than gym or club per say. They just want to be around people that perhaps have a similar intrest. Or mostly just to feel like they belong.

WE are conditioned in ways from media/society not to think.
we are hanged and banged over the head from ads and media to be this and that and not to think. mother teresa once said; "One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody."
We need to stop and take ownership of our life.
A clam, a peace, a joy. A life that we never thought was possible.

" society is a masked ball, Where every 
one hides his real character, and reveals
 it by hiding"- Ralph Waldo Emerson